About Us

Institutional Values

Turkish Red Crescent Society represents fairness. It provides its services to those in need without any form of discrimination. In its services to the community, it adheres to the Fundamental Principles of the International Movement and its Institutional Values.

Turkish Red Crescent Society defines the value of justice as:
Demonstrating the same behavior and approach to all, without any form of discrimination of religion, language, ethnicity, nationality and gender,
Evaluating all cases and options with impartiality and neutrality,
Maintaining justice in all activities and services,
Contributing to permanent peace by promoting humanistic values,
forming the basis of the relationships between institutional staff and members, making it a component of corporate culture.

Open Communication
Turkish Red Crescent Society, by its charitable nature, is open to sharing resources with society and is independent of prejudices. It makes information accessible by all, including donors, solution partners and the community.

Turkish Red Crescent Society defines the value of “Open Communication” as;
Sharing information and experiences,
Promoting interaction with the community,
Being accessible, transparent and accountable,
Sharing information within the institution on a regular and concurrent basis, making it a component of corporate culture.

Turkish Red Crescent Society is a symbol of solidarity and mutual support. Nurtured by its historical roots and the compassion of its community, the Society shares common values with its donors in their joint action. The Society delivers all of its services through the support of the community. Member of the Society also place emphasis on solidarity within the team while providing services which incorporate the culture, traditions and collective experience coming from its roots.

Turkish Red Crescent Society defines the value of “Solidarity” as; 
Commitment, team spirit, trust, cooperation, support and sharing, making it a component of corporate culture.

Turkish Red Crescent Society inspires trust by realizing the Fundamental Principles and the Institutional Values. It upholds and ensures the protection of human dignity. All relations between the members are governed by trust.

Turkish Red Crescent Society defines the value of “Trust” as;
Reliability in words, actions and behavior,
Foundation for success and esteem,
Trust and dependability in interpersonal relations,
Providing services as afforded by resources and capacity,
A tool for resolving social problems, making it a component of its corporate culture.

Turkish Red Crescent Honor
A Red Crescent advocate feels the contentment derived from translating social common sense, conscience, tolerance, compassion and charitability into service for humanity. Turkish Red Crescent Advocates are the “Charity Dervishes” who sincerely adopt, internalize the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and the Institutional Values, transform them into action, who work selflessly to alleviate human pain. It is an honor to be a member of the Turkish Red Crescent Society which is also under the high patronage of the Turkish Presidency, the most supreme authority of the Republic of Turkiye.

Turkish Red Crescent Society defines the value of “Turkish Red Crescent Honor” as;
Serving humanity under the guidance of instiutional values and fundamental principles of the International Movement, and by exercising
Will-power and rationality,
Enthusiasm, passion and commitment,
Modern and innovative approach, and
A desire to make a difference.
Kızılay members and advocates act in a manner that will not hurt the “Turkish Red Crescent Honor”, making it a component of the corporate culture.